If you're like me, then while you like the idea of museums, you don't like the idea of spending all day inside of one looking at card after card of information that you can't possibly retain. Museums are fun for me, but only up to a certain point, otherwise I feel like I'm wasting time when i could be out exploring. This tip allows me to go to a museum, enjoy it, and still be able to explore a new city. I've used this tip in museums like the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Ashmolean, and it works great with groups.
The tip? Have everyone (or yourself) stand in front of the directory telling you which sections of the museum there are. If you're alone, pick five or six that sound interesting. If you're in a large group, have everyone pick one, if you're in a small group have everyone pick two (chances are there will be some overlap). Set a time limit for how long you want to be in the museum- this will depend on your schedule, the amount of exhibits you want to see, and the size of your group. For example, when we went to the Ashmolean, we were a group of 8 and wanted to spend no more than three and a half hours at the museum. Divide the time by the number of exhibits you want to see, and spend no more than that amount of time in each one. So at the Ashmolean, we ended up seeing 8 exhibits, spending about 25 minutes in each one. This helps keep you on track for the rest of your day while covering a lot of ground at the museum, and helps everyone see exactly what they want to see.
Of course, smaller museums that focus on a singular topic (like the Perspektivet Museum in Tromso, Norway) this is a bit invalid, but chances are you won't be spending all day in those small museums either.
Hope you enjoyed the tip! Happy travels!